Iosmanthus multi-tron fragrans, also known as olive oil fragrant, is a perennial leaf shrub that has several logs, giving him a multi-ramus structure. oval leaves and glossy emitting a sweet and persistent fragrance, adding a fragrant element to the landscape. during spring and autumn, plant produces white or yellow flowers, further enriching the its ornamental value. the osmanthus fragrans multitronco is appreciated for its resistance and its elegant appearance, often used in landscape gardens and architectural design.
perfume: one of the most distinctive features
of this plant is its sweet and persistent fragrance. the flowers
white or yellow, blooming during spring, emit a
fragrant aroma that adds a sensory element to the garden.
foliage: leaves are usually oval or lanceolate, glossy and
dark green color. the persistent foliage contributes to an appearance
green and attractive throughout the year.
structure: the presence of multiple logs adds interest and
complexity to the profile of the plant. this feature makes
the osmanthus multi-tronco fragrans especially suitable as a point
focal point or structural element in landscape gardens.
adaptability:this olive tree is generally adaptable to different conditions
growth. prefers well drained soils and sunny locations or
partially shaded.
fruit: in some varieties, can develop small
berries after flowering, adding a decorative touch to the
maintenance: requires moderate maintenance, with pruning
occasional to maintain the desired shape and to promote
abundant flowering.
Iosmanthus fragransIt is native to eastern Asia, with a natural diffusion in cina, japan and Himalayas. the multi-tronco variant is a cultivated form which has a multi-layer structure for ornamental purposes.